Monday, June 02, 2008

On My Face

Coleman is at school today so Spence and I are home alone! It's kind of strange, but I'm enjoying it. We were eating lunch and I couldn't help but notice how messy his face was. I thought I should write a poem about it. That's something I do sometimes. Kind of strange, but maybe it will help me remember how sweet he was when he was little. Also, hope you like the new blog look. Brian's still working on it. And yes, we got the design from Pimp My Profile! Now every time someone looks at my blog, they see the word "pimp." So sorry about that. Anyway, here's the poem and the face that inspired it:

On My Face

Look at me and you might see
The messiest face that ever could be!
The first thing you'll notice is pizza sauce.
I had a napkin but it must be lost.
There's banana and strawberry cereal bar
And chocolate from candy I ate in the car.
From my nose to my mouth there's a stream of snot too
But the best thing's my smile that says, "I love you!"


Mrs. H said...

So so sweet! I love your blog too! Love the colors!

Anonymous said...

Loveable Spence!
He is just right!
Loved your little poem!

Rita said...

Little he's loving alone Mommy time...How did Coleman like school??
Good poem!! And I like the new look...and pictures!