Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Collection of Happenings and Observations

When I don't post for a while, I get all these ideas about what to write swirling around in my mind, and then I can't decide what to say. So I'm taking some things from the past few days and writing a little about each one.

Dear God, help that mean girl be nice.

We were leaving the gym this morning and Coleman told me that there was a little girl who was "fighting over him and Spence." I'm pretty sure he meant she was fighting with them. Anyway, she wasn't being nice and wasn't sharing with them, according to Coleman. Coleman said, "Spence grabbed her shirt and pushed her!" Well, don't mess with Spence. I told Coleman to make sure he told the gym lady if someone wasn't being nice and that it wasn't OK for Spence to push. We got in the car and started home. Coleman said, "Mommy, can we pray for that little girl that wasn't nice?" I said, "Of course. That's a good idea," thinking we'd pray for her when we ate lunch or at bedtime. After a moment, Coleman asked, "When are you going to do it?" He wanted me to pray right then. What a great reminder that we can stop and talk to God anytime, anywhere. I'm so proud of Coleman!

You're too old to play at McDonald's playground...

if you have to ask your mom to hold your cell phone. Seriously! She was probably about 10 or 11. Oh, what an age. To be young enough to be happy and carefree on the McDonald's playground, but tied down by technology and the demand to stay connected.

A Kitchen Update

The update is that we're almost done! There are only a few cabinet doors to put back up and one spot on the wall to retexture. The window still needs to be finished and I have a few decorative decisions to make, but I think it's presentable! Brian worked so hard, and he did an awesome job! Here are a few pictures.

Hooray for cabinets with unpainted hinges!

This was the first piece of furniture Brian and I bought after we got married. It was a hideous puke green with flower etched glass, but we saw the potential. Brian started stripping it, but that was a nightmare. He stripped some of it, then he painted the rest white. I decided it was time for an update, so I painted the white parts red and the top inside the same color as the cabinets. I'm not sure if I'm going to leave the wood parts, or paint them red also. I think I like it like this for now.

Check out the new towel ring!

And I'm working really hard to keep these plants alive. It's a complicated procedure, you know, watering them.

What to do with this wall. I was thinking of doing a plate display, but I've got some plates I'm going to hang above the hutch. So maybe some framed artwork or a metal piece. Still looking around. Also looking for a new table. Not loving the wicker chairs (especially the one with the bottom busted out), and all the crevices in the table make for quite a mess with toddlers.


Jennifer said...

I love the new kitchen. You guys did a great job on it!!

Paul and Candice said...

First, you've taught Coleman well! Second, good for Spence! He was probably just standing up for himself! Third, Your kitchen is beautiful! I love the black! I had an idea for the wall that I saw somewhere. Take it or leave it! You could buy some of those blank canvases and let Spence and Coleman draw on them. Just a thought!

Mrs. H said...

Your kitchen looks awesome...you guys have been working so hard! I love the little birds in the window and the new towel holder :)!

Debbie said...

HGTV may give you a spot on
the show if they see your improvements!
It is fun to see all you have done!
Coleman is such a good boy!
He is always thinking of others.
We learn so much from the little ones!

Rita said...

Bless those little boys....they keep us pointed in the right direction..and Spence will , if not allready. learn to stand up for himself....

the kitchen is too pretty to cook in...LOL...really, it's just lovely...love it all...the cabinets look great..love the hinges an knobs and the new towel holder...Yea!! the counter tops are gorgeous..I wish we were close...we'd trade kitchen tables..I love that one...but I understand why you don't...oh well...someday you will find just the right one and something for the wall.....I'm not sure what candice meant...maybe like paint a patch of it with that caulk paint...for drawings, etc.?? Or a pretty poster...you'll know when you see it..What was for supper??

Anonymous said...

oh I love the splashes of red in your kitchen!
and love your new and ever so lovely cabinet.
I think the towel ring is awesome and the towel too! ;)
beautiful and well done to both of you!