Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Day with Daddy - Frosted Flakes and Water Balloons

What sweet brothers sharing a snack!

Spence can't say Coleman, so he calls him "Buddy."

Coleman saying "Cheese" with a mean face

This weekend, we were a host home for 9th and 10th grade girls from our church's youth group. Every August before school starts they have Disciple Now, which is like a weekend retreat. Church members send TONS of snacks and breakfast foods for them so we don't have to worry about feeding them. I was out Saturday morning, and Brian stayed home with the boys. About lunch time I started to worry that I wouldn't be home for the boys' lunch, but I figured if Brian couldn't decide what to feed them, he'd call me. When I got home, he told me he looked around the kitchen and spotted a huge box of Frosted Flakes and said, "Boys, here's lunch!" Brian said as he was pouring Coleman's fourth bowl of Frosted Flakes, Coleman said, "This is going to be my last bowl. I don't want to eat all the girls' cereal and make them sad." How thoughtful! I don't think he was worried about eating all their cookies though. They also filled water balloons for the girls. Coleman didn't know about water balloons, so Brian was telling him that they are balloons that you fill with water. He said Coleman got this big grin and said, "Then you pop them?" He loved them! After the girls had popped 150 water balloons (which took all of 2 minutes) Coleman asked if they could go to the park with him. I think he had a good time this weekend. And I enjoyed the weekend too, since no one kept the babies awake! I don't think I was that quiet when I was that age.


Rita said...

Glad everyone had a good time!!

Anonymous said...

love that cheese face. :)

Debbie said...

The BOYS!!
The BOYS!!
Great pictures!
In 18 years or so they will be in the tux.... with those same adorable faces!