Friday, August 08, 2008


Today we ate lunch at Chick-Fil-A. I feel like they could build three Chick-Fil-As side by side by side and they would all be crowded. So sorry if you don't have a Chick-Fil-A where you live. Anyway, to help the drive through move a little quicker, they put employees in bright yellow vests and send them out with menus and cell phones. They go to cars waiting in line and take their order, then call it in. Coleman looked out the window and saw one of the yellow vested employees. He said, "Mommy, what's that guy doing out there?" I replied, "He's taking people's orders." I was trying to get us all rounded up and ready to leave, so I didn't feel like trying to explain anything. I hoped this answer would be good enough. It seemed to be. A few minutes later as we were heading out the door, Coleman asked, "Why is he taking people's quarters?" How funny! I think Coleman learned a new word today: order - to tell someone what you want to eat.


Anonymous said...

So funny!

Rita said...

How curious he is....yes, why give him a quarter....?? I miss ya all!!!!