More breaking career news! This morning on the way home from swim lessons, we saw a landscaper on a really cool mower. That got Coleman's wheels turning and had him scratching his head.
Coleman: (literally scratching his head) I can't decide if I want to be a construction worker, a mower, or a prairie dog shooter. They all sound good! How will I choose?!?!
He was quite distraught that he had so many choices that all seemed so good. I told him he had a while to make up his mind.
Spence: I can't decide if I want to be a conductor or a shark!
Coleman: You can't be an animal. You can only be a human.
Spence: I would wear a shark costume! (In his best "well duh" voice.)
So I could be raising future prairie dog shooters and sharks. I'm one proud momma.
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago
LOL that just makes me laugh!!!!
Those are serious decisions! :*)
Oh Coleman....he hasn't even started kindergarten yet.....Think of the college savings he if was a prairie dog shooter....LOL...
And Spence....he is thinking just put on the costume of what you want to be....easy...I think I'll be a't decide just now!
LOL! That is hilarious!!!!! Love it!
Yes Rita! We'll save tons of money! I can just put them both to work right now. Do they pay by the prairie dog, or is it a flat rate?
That was a treasured memory moment!
Well that is inspiring. Tell him his Uncle Brent & cousin Joel both wanted to be robbers. But they changed their minds. Good thing!!!
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