Thursday, July 01, 2010

Trip To the Dentist

You don't have to brush your teeth - just the ones you want to keep. ~Author Unknown

Wednesday the boys went to the dentist. This was Spence's first visit! In the past I've tried to prepare them for big events such as this, but for some reason this time I didn't play it up at all. A few times in the days before the appointment Spence said, "I don't want to go to the dentist." And I would just say, "Oh, it'll be fine," and drop it. Cold, right? We arrived at the dentist and they walked in like it was no big deal, Coleman sat in the chair and wore the big lead apron to get his x-rays (now, he did make a face from the taste of the film in his mouth, but no exaggerated gaggings or anything), they both walked over to the chairs and sat where they were told and got their teeth cleaned. They each got a good report, were given new toothbrushes, and picked out some treasures from the treat box. (I have to say, we were in desperate need of more tiny cheap toys around our house.) I'm proud of my little guys for doing so well!

1 comment:

Paul and Candice said...

Good Job Guys! So glad that it went well for you! We'll see how ours goes at the end of the month!