Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No Kermit, It IS Easy Being Green!

I used to think Earth Day and all this "going green" stuff was for tree-hugging hippies who, while wearing their Birkenstocks and tye-died tees, slashed the tires on gas-guzzling SUVs and waved their picket signs in protest of everything in cities across America. Now I have to admit, I am trying to become greener! I don't just feel that it is my responsibility to try to ensure my kids' futures, but as a Christian I am accountable to God for how I treat His creation. Of course how I treat people is most important, but I know He wants me to value all His creation. I wanted to find a verse to validate this, so I went to Biblegateway.com. This is the verse of the day, I'm sure since it is Earth Day.

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:20

Here are some ideas for being more environmentally friendly. Some of these I already do, and some I plan to start doing.

  • Recycle plastic bottles, coke cans, newspapers, junk mail, and other paper products
  • Turn off the lights when leaving a room
  • Use fluorescent light bulbs
  • Stop using plastic shopping bags (I bought reusable shopping bags from Kroger and plan to start using these in place of plastic grocery bags.)
  • Use less water when brushing teeth
  • Decide what you want from the fridge before opening the door
  • Start composting
  • Use cloth diapers (YEAH RIGHT!!! That's just not going to happen!)
If you have any good ideas to add, please leave a comment! I know there are lots of easy things to do to be environmentally friendly. Happy Earth Day!


Rita said...

I'm with you, Amanda...I got to thinking about it more last summer when I was searching for a clothes line on the internet...all of them said...GO green...don't use your dryer....heck, I just like the smell of clean clothes flapping in the wind, esp sheets....and realize,,,hey I am going green!!!

Too bad you can't use one in Houston..but you surely are doing your part....love ya

sheree said...

Hey, we've been out of town, so I'm catching up. Cute pics. We do some of these already. About the cloth diapers; you know, changing poop and pee underwear counts, so I'm doing that one too. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to TRY not to use pesticides...But I have one beautiful vine that the Japanese beetles love...so I'm looking into an organic way to get rid of them.

Also, I'm going to ride my bike more this summer...

Paul and Candice said...

We've started using our cloth napkins we got for a wedding gift, but never used! I decided it would be better just to use them instead of letting them sit in a drawer! I haven't had to buy paper napkins in a long time! We actually use them several times before washing too (unlike the paper one which we just threw away even if it was a little dirty!)

Do you compost? I'd like to learn more about that, so if you do, call me!