Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Last week when I picked up Coleman from school there was a worksheet in his backpack that said "send back." His first homework! Of course it laid on the counter all week, and tonight after dinner I figured we better do it since he goes back to school tomorrow (he just goes one day a week). The directions were to count the objects, then circle the correct number. So we did the first one together. He counted two birds, then found the number two. He wasn't sure why he needed to circle the two, so I explained that it was so his teacher would know that he knew the right answer. Surprisingly, he just circled it and there was no further questioning. I had to get up and do something, and when I returned he had already correctly answered the next two! I was so proud of my little man. When he was done I made another worksheet for him and he completed it. He only had trouble identifying the number six. That's a stupid number anyway. Hopefully he won't be as big of a procrastinator as his Daddy and me! That reminds me... I should be planning my music lessons for tomorrow.

Coleman working on his homework. Hurry! It's due tomorrow!

This is our new coffee table. The old one met a gruesome end when Coleman decided to lift out the top piece of glass and shove it onto the floor, causing it to shatter. Though we were upset with him and he was sent to his room and punished for the offense, I was glad we could finally get a new coffee table. I got the old one in 1997 from a junky antique store in Longview for $30. Actually, I'm sure my mom paid for it. Thanks Mom! I never thought I'd have it for 11 years though! That thing withstood moving from Longview, to Morton, to Louisiana Tech, back to Morton, to Houston where it moved from apartment, to condo, to house, to house. It was one of those ugly pieces of furniture that just won't die. One that serves it's purpose, and you just can't justify buying a new one with two little ones driving their cars and banging around. So I secretly said a little "thank you" to Coleman the Destroyer. And no, this one does not have a glass top, just a handy little shelf to hide on.


Rita said...

I think Coleman did a super job...way to go Coleman...what a little whiz...I think he may be one that wants to get things done right now..right away...and drive his parents up the wall...ha..Do you suppose...

Nice coffee table too....

Anonymous said...

I guess Coleman has found homework is fun! Time to buy stickers mom!
He looks so serious doing his work.
Nice coffee table.. it is nice to get something new that you like.
Looks like the boys will really enjoy the table a lot!
How are the new undies doing?
Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

I like your new coffee table-looks like it is just the right size! Keep up the good work Coleman!! Mary

Anonymous said...

Coleman looks like he's grown an inch or two!
Cute coffee table, really cute cute kid!

Jeani said...

6 and 9 are two very confusing numbers for me yet :)

Jeani said...
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