Tuesday, April 01, 2008

When Little Brother Tries to Play

Coleman loves to play with Spence, but gets annoyed a lot because Spence doesn't know all of his rules and expectations. Today while Spence was napping Coleman and I built an awesome train track. We were having lots of fun. When Spence woke up he was welcomed into the room to play with us, but it didn't take long for him to start pulling the track apart. Coleman was being pretty patient, but finally he had had enough. He got down on Spence's level and said, "Look at me Spence. Look at my eyes. Do not mess up my track!" Now they have the plastic bowling set out. We'll just have to see how this plays out.


Rita said...

Oh...Coleman is a good big brother!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Brian,

FANTASTIC pictures!!!!!!!

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