Tuesday, April 15, 2008

This Looks Like a Job for Superman!

Wouldn't it be great if Mommies had super powers? I know I could have used them yesterday. I'm on the committee that is searching for our new Children's Minister and volunteered to call a reference to inquire about a candidate. We had a hard time getting in contact with each other, but finally had a chance to talk on the phone yesterday afternoon. Of course the moment I got on the phone things here started going crazy. Spence has discovered where the Keebler Fudge Stripes are kept in the pantry. He goes to the pantry, points, and cries until he gets one. He started doing this the moment the phone rang. Then Coleman, who was sitting at the computer watching Superman videos on Youtube, kept wanting different videos. He doesn't have the fine motor skills to navigate the mouse and click on the video he wants, so that task falls on me. And not just any video will do. He has to look through the long string of videos and point out the one he thinks he wants to watch. And then once it's started, he feels he has the right to change his mind and make me start a different one. Not one that's ten minutes long. One that's one minute and 52 seconds, so in one minute and 52 seconds, he's yelling for another one again. Under normal circumstances I would not stuff cookie after cookie into my 17 month old's face and give into my 3 year old's demands concerning Youtube videos, but I was just trying to keep them calm and quiet so I could record this lady's answers to my questions so I could present them to our committee. I wish I would have had an extra hand to record the whole scenario. I'm sure it would have been quite comical to watch myself running from the pantry with a Fudge Stripe to the computer to start up a new video, back to my notes to write down her response to my question. After it was all over and things here had settled down I was walking by the computer where Coleman was still watching a Superman video. I overheard Superman say, "This looks like a job for Superman." I was thinking, "Yeah, where were you when you were needed here?"


Rita said...

Hey....even Lucy knows where her treats are kept.....

You are superwomen...:-)

Anonymous said...

You are quick..
you can do everything..
you are " Amazing Amanda"
Super Mom !
Get your rest tomorrow they will want to do it over again!

Anonymous said...

You really should write a book, Amanda-I can always get a laugh from your blog!! Thanks-Mary

sheree said...

You are so funny, and seem so calm. I usually lock myself in the bathroom, then go into the closet. At least I know where they are: at the door screaming. But, for a few minutes, I can hear the other person on the line. Then, when they stop crying and walk away, I know it's time to venture out and prevent disaster. Smiling with you, Sheree