Wednesday, September 05, 2007

All Before 9 A.M.

It's 7:45 and I don't want to get up, but Spence has been making noise for at least 20 minutes. He'll probably start crying soon, then Coleman will wake up. I start climbing up the stairs and hear Coleman. "Mommy, get me UP!!!" I'm still tired. Too bad.

Downstairs, Coleman wants to play his drum (the metal trashcan turned upside-down). Luckily his new drumsticks are a pair of straws. Much quieter than the previous drumsticks - his hands. He says, "I might sing The Messy Song." The song starts with a 15 second drum intro. Then it goes something like this:
You're so MESSY!
You're so MESSY!
You are messy.
You're a messy baby.
So stop!

He drums and dances around while singing, so I get quite a kick out of the performance. "Sing it again," I ask. To which he replies, "No, it's over."

Brian comes in the living room and Coleman wants him to hear The Tractor Song. This song consists of a few taps, then he'll say a word. This time he says Construction (tap tap), Paramedics (tap tap), Big rig (tap tap), Farm tractor (tap tap), Construction (tap tap). We clap, then Daddy has a request. "Sing a song about Montana." But Coleman says, "The Montana Song is not on. Let's eat."

After breakfast, Coleman wants to play baseball. He has to wear his baseball mask. I'm not even going to try to explain this, you'll just have to see the picture below. Maybe later we can share some video.

Just think, if I was still in bed I would have missed all this...

Coleman and his baseball helmet. Notice how he pulls
the flap over his eyes and nose. He can see through it only
slightly, so it really affects his batting average.

Yesterday I was cleaning the dining room floor so I moved
the chairs into the entry. Coleman was pretending that it
was a bus. Duckie is driving and we're all passengers.


Anonymous said...

You are right Amanda, I wouldn't have wanted to miss that either. You sure do have a way with words too. Only 1 week til the wedding. See you soon! Mary

Anonymous said...

drums in the morning def. sounds like you have a house of boys!!!
I love it, love it, love it!!!

Jeani said...

The chair train is always fun.
I rem making them when I was a little girl. We put them in a straight line and I liked to be in the engine. Good memories for me!!! I am sure they will be for your boys too!!!
Praying for you guys. This too shall pass. Enjoy the time to rest in the Lord.