Friday, September 07, 2007

"Shear" Excitement

(Not sure what happened to the pictures here. Maybe I'll have Brian see what the problem is soon.)

I'm 10 months old today!

This was haircut week. We all got one so we'd look presentable for Brent's wedding. I must say, we look stunning. Well, at least Coleman and Spence. Here are their before and after pictures.

This was Spence's first haircut. The poor stylist not only had to deal with a crying client, but his older brother singing, mom telling her what to cut and what not to cut, and dad with a camera snapping pictures and making video. It was like the circus had rolled into town!

Here's the picture I desperately wanted to get,
where he's sitting nicely and sucking on his sucker.

This picture more realistically captures the event.


Anonymous said...

Poor baby.....but he even looks adorable crying....

sheree said...

I remember Caleb's first, then we didn't go back until we were 3 1/2. Mom got the contract; boy were those days fun. Riley hasn't had her first yet. Poor thing; cute though - before and after. :)

Anonymous said...


they look like little men with their new do.