Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Wedding Continued

OK. I'm somewhat recovered from the trip. Haven't quite caught up on sleep, but I'm getting back into my normal routine. Well, things aren't completely normal since Brian is home everyday. It's been nice having him here, but I'm trying not to get too used to it so I won't feel overwhelmed when he goes back to work.

Coleman enjoyed sleeping in Grandma and Grandpa's hotel room. They read lots of books, played with lots of tractors, and made a "snow mountain" out of the big fluffy pillows on the bed.

It was great seeing Rita's family. Her two sisters and their families were there. Here is a picture of all the girls. We should really leave the guys behind and go on a little vacation sometime. I keep hearing about this Mall of America. Sounds like my kind of place!

Sherrie, Dre, me, Jeani, Rita, Mary, Rhonda, and Roz

Coleman thought that the reception was a birthday party. He was amazed by Grandma and Grandpa's awesome dancing! It took him awhile, but we finally got him out on the dance floor with Roz. He partied hard until 11:30!

All this fun, and we added another member to our family. I know we'll have many more happy occasions to celebrate together! I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

oh these pictures are precious!
wonderful memories we can hang onto until our next get together.

and YES to mall of America!

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to have you as one of the Keough girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love the pictures!!!!
Coleman and Spence like the snow mountian...wonder what he will think when we do go on a real one???? Can't wait...

Anonymous said...

When do you want to go shopping?????I think it would be great-love the pictures!! Mary

Sherrie said...

Mall of America is fun. We should plan a trip there.. no hubby's or kids. Girls weekends are fun!! I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.