Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'll be good, for a price.......

For Coleman to be still for the rehearsal, pictures, and wedding we bribed him with M&Ms. It was incredible the power Brian had with those tiny little candies. Below are pictures of Coleman "behaving" for a treat (click to enlarge).

Also, here's a little poem I wrote for the occasion:

I’m two and a half I’m sure you can see

I think the world revolves around me

You know that I could act much better

If you’d give me the candy with my favorite letter

I’d stop running and whining and climbing the wall

I’d be an angel, the best 2 year old of all

I know you’ve got a bag of them handy

Go ahead and hand over some of that candy!


Anonymous said...

How did you come up with that poem? Rhonda and you should write a book! Mary

Anonymous said...

Good, Amanda....ya...I found a little baggie in my purse with some leftover M & M's....well. they weren't leftovers for very long..I had forgotten about them...Your pictures are so good...Coleman was an EXCELLENT goodness he's 2....and can sing his ABC's I can't get over that.....

Anonymous said...

These are good pic's.
I think I'll never forget the Pastor saying, I now pronounce you man and wife and Coleman stomping his little feet with the cool stomping noise his shoes made.
I think everyone in the pews giggled. So darn cute.
Isn't it funny how that's the kind of things people remember?
Some day he'll get teased about how cute he was...
That song could be a commercial.
Just think of the fortune in that?!

Sherrie said...

I love the poem. I think Rhonda has something you could sell that jingle to any candy supplier. lol. Isn't it funny that you can get your children to about anything with candy! I wonder if that works on hubby's too?

Love ya