Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Opinions Please!

I want to bake some Christmas cookies for my neighbors, but I don't like to make cut-out iced cookies. They always end up looking like a 5 year old made them. Which would be cute if a 5 year old did make them, but not when a grown woman made them. Anyway, I found a few recipes on this site I want to run by you. Do these say "Merry Christmas" to you?

Snowballs (or Mexican Wedding Cakes with crushed peppermint)

Raspberry and Almond Shortbread Thumbprints

Or maybe you have a favorite (and easy) cookie recipe to share. Let me know!


Anonymous said...

I just made cookies, and I used the chocolate chip cookie recipe, and left out the chips. I put them in the oven for a couple minutes for the dough to flatten out, and then placed Christmas M&M's on some, and just sprinkles on others. They turned out really good. :-)

Mrs. H said...

I vote on the top photo, but Amanda we have a cut out cookie recipe that is sooooo easy and we bake them all the time and they don't look like a 5 yr old made them. I just posted the photo of them on my blog yesterday during the house tour! If you are interested in the recipe just email me. They are so easy and good. But the top photo screams Merry Christmas too me!

Rita said...

I say powdered sugar and peppermint chips say Merry Christmas!! The other do too....but put some red jelly in it...and waola....Christmas!!

Jennifer said...

I vote for the top one. They look more Christmasy to me than the other ones.