Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Why Not To Ignore Your Kids

This afternoon I was trying to download something on the computer for Coleman when Spence came up to me holding out his hand and saying something I couldn't understand. I was frustrated because I needed a password that I didn't know, so I was trying to change it and ignoring Spence at the same time. He kept putting his hand up so I figured he hurt it. I leaned over, took his hand, and kissed it. Not soon enough did I smell the poop that was on his hand. Apparently he was trying to tell me that he had a dirty diaper and he had stuck his hand down in it! His hand and my nose had poop on them. It was disgusting! I've either learned not to ignore my children, or at least to smell them before I kiss them!


Mrs. H said...

Oh Amanda, that made me laugh out loud! Priceless!

Yes, next time you'll at least look first!

I'm suprise being pregnant you didn't throw up!

Anonymous said...

That is a good one for
Readers Digest...
or one of those magazines that will pay you for you good laugh!
Thanks That was Great!
I guess I owe you a dollar...
or maybe Spence's college fund!

Paul and Candice said...

I don't know which is worse...your poop story or my fish's poop:)

Classic lesson for all of us with kids.

Jennifer said...

Ewwww, gross!!!

Anonymous said...

ugh ugh...oh well...baby poop is better than well adult poop?
Ok maybe not but still not as bad a doggy doo? Ok yea let's go with that. ;)

Rita said...

Love those Mommy stories....even when they are full of _____Poop!!

Anonymous said...