Monday, June 15, 2009

400th Post!

I had hoped to save my 400th post for announcing that we were on our way to the hospital or Baby Pik had arrived, but it's not to be. I go back to the doctor tomorrow, so I'll give an update when I get home. So, what's been happening since I've been too stubborn to post?

The boys' bunk beds came in and Brian and my dad got them put together. They look great and the boys are really enjoying them. Naptime for Spence has been a little challenging, but Mom has been laying down with him and helping him get to sleep. Thanks Mom! Oh yes, my Mom has been our prisoner for the last week. We try to feed her well and let her out occasionally. Of course, she is required to play all kinds of sports ranging from baseball to soccer and I think tomorrow she is assigned to curtain making.

We put the bouncy seat and swing together a few days ago in preparation for Baby's arrival. The boys have been swinging their stuffed animals every day. And Spence likes to sit in the bouncy. I let Coleman sit in it once, but let him know he was too heavy to get in there anymore. Hopefully either the swing will be old news or they'll realize they can't push it fast by the time the baby gets here and we won't have to deal with any whiplash!

This weekend Brian broke out the Slip-N-Slide for the boys. I think they spent about 2 hours playing on it!

And here is the latest belly picture. I had Mom take this today. Come on Baby!

Saturday night we went to a house warming party at Brian's boss' house. I figured I should wear shoes a little nicer than flip flops, and ended up turning my ankle in my strappy sandals! I can still walk! I only had to endure two rude comments from party-goers: "Can I get you a wheel barrow?" and "Are you sure it's just one?" Everyone else was very polite.

I've decided to try to enjoy each day I have with just my two children! We went to Double Dave's today for lunch. I love watching them eat that chocolate chip pizza and then see it all over Spence's face! (And shame on Double Dave's for not having a changing table in their restroom! They must not know how hard it is to change a dirty pull up on a standing toddler.) This afternoon we stopped by Target and Mom bought Coleman some coloring and activity books. He is just amazing us with his interest in reading and math!

And here's a strange little story that could mean years of therapy for Spence. I have to preface it with a story about our dogs. When we were training our first dog Lucy (who now lives with Grandma and Grandpa because she needs to be a princess) we taught her all the names of her toys and all kinds of commands. She had a vocabulary of about 150 words and when asked, could go upstairs and find a certain toy and bring it to you. She was quite smart and very well trained. When we got Maestro, we were satisfied that he didn't pee on the carpet. This week, Coleman has been so into coloring and learning about letters and numbers. My Mom's been working with him a lot. Meanwhile, Spence is pulling his soaked pull up off and running around peeing on the floor. He even took a bite out of a foam ball! Brian made the connection between what we expected from Lucy versus Maestro, and now what we expect from Coleman versus Spence! We've just got to get Spence to stop peeing on the floor and we'll be good!

That about sums up what's going on around here. I'll let you know if there are any updates tomorrow!


Rita said...

Oh..the poor first child (or dog) !!!

But those pictures of Spence are so darling...he gets cuter all the time!! Loved all the pictures...even you look just beautiful!!!! Hugs and love to all!!

Jennifer said...

That story about Coleman and Spence is too funny! Oh, and I have a cradle swing if you want to borrow it for the baby. It was heaven for me and EmmyKate slept many a night in it. It is blue, so would work for you whether this is a boy or a girl.

Anonymous said...

Bryan calls that the "golden child syndrome." He is the second; and now Riley has some of the same issues. Caleb knew all of his letters by the time he was 3. She is 3 1/2 and still doesn't. I am trying, but you just don't have the same time or energy -it is absolutely true. We laugh because Bryan's parents have hardly no pictures of him, but tons of his older sister. I am trying not to let that happen, but unfortunately . . . sheree