Tuesday, June 09, 2009

How To Send a Pregnant Lady Over the Edge

***Updated at bottom***

Here it is, the latest news: I'm dilated almost 4 cm! So things are progressing! In other more disturbing news, I'm having a hospital dilemma. I had heard that Houston was having a baby boom this June (due to Hurricane Ike, but that's another story). Our hospital is smack dab in Southwest Houston, and was quite crowded when I delivered Spence there. I almost didn't get my epidural! Today I decided to ask my doctor if she'd seen any overcrowding issues there, and she said that a few months ago the hospital was having lots of issues with crowding and many of her practice's patients weren't able to schedule inductions, get in for C-sections, and would go to the hospital in labor and sit in the waiting area for up to four hours waiting for a room. Not what I wanted to hear! She said it's better now (not sure how much better!), but if I wanted I could register at another hospital in Sugar Land that she has privileges at.

I have been a ball of nerves since I left her office. I checked with some friends that have delivered at this other hospital and have heard nothing but great reviews. I called the hospital and asked if it was too late to register there, and was told no. So I will be going later today, after my Mommy arrives (thank you Mommy) to register at a new hospital! Yikes! This all seems so last minute! I've been trying to calm down, pray, ask God for guidance, and not yell at every little thing the boys do! I realized that ever since we chose the other hospital and I registered there, I've never felt 100% comfortable with that decision. Too bad I'm just now realizing this!

But you know what? God is in control. No matter what hospital I end up at, or when I go into labor, it is in His hands. I needed to say that for my own benefit! OK. I'll quit rambling now. Thanks for listening. Hope you don't think I'm a nut. Remember, I've got all kinds of hormones raging and crazy things going on and aches and pains and nerves! I hope Brian remembers this too and doesn't try to have me committed! Nah, he probably won't since he'd have to take care of 3 kids on his own!

I am now registered at Methodist Hospital Sugar Land. (Will this make my baby a Methodist? Ha!) My Mom is here and I'm feeling a lot better. After I registered, one of the nurses took me on a tour of the birthing center. It feels strange to change the plans so late in the game, but I think it was the right thing to do.

The bunk beds arrived this afternoon, and Brian started taking the pieces upstairs tonight. We had to move Coleman's chair out of his room so the bed would fit, and he had a complete meltdown. He was sobbing over "his favorite chair." The one he never sits in or even acknowledges. I'm pretty sure we may be having a few more meltdowns in the following days. They both can sense something major is about to happen. It made me feel a little sad for them. Their world is about to change dramatically!

I want to thank all of you for your kind comments. I'm so thankful that it's not about my plans, but that God is in control of everything. Thanks for your prayers! And our hospital does have wireless internet connection, so hopefully we'll make it to the hospital with the laptop and the camera cable so we can upload pictures as soon as possible. And if you live close by, come see us when you get the news!


Mrs. H said...

Bless your heart! I'm so sorry this is all happening late in your pregnancy! But you are so right HE is in total control! And everything will be alright! I can't believe you are a 4 and are not in the hospital! WOW! Best of luck!!! Can't wait to see the baby!

Jennifer said...

I'm so sorry your doctor surprised you with this and you are having to change your plan right before the big day. Just remember that this was all part of God's plan all along and He will get you through this. Can't wait until you have this baby! You better send out an email or post right away!

Paul and Candice said...

I bet you it turns out better than you would ever expect! God knows and is leading you in the right way! I really can't wait to see this baby, too, and I can't believe you don't already have the epidural if you're a 4! On your mark, get set...

Rita said...

God just has better plans for you and the baby than we know about....hope you got registered and feel the peace of the Lord around you....I love you.

Anonymous said...

Carolyn may get that birthday present after all. I was going to email her and say HAPPY BIRHDAY!, but I guess she won't be checking it now. Tell her for me, please. I hope to hear good news soon.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

You are all in our prayers.
Yes a change is coming 2 little boys are about to become BIG BROTHERS and have someone new to love, play with and enjoy.
It is nice your mother can be there to help and Rita can come too.
When the time comes you will be at the right place for you and the baby.
Can't wait to see the baby.

Jennifer said...

I have been praying for you every time you pop into my head. I will definately be visiting you at the hospital!