Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Weekly Doctor Update

I am still 4 cm dilated. I couldn't believe after all the contractions I had this week there was no change! For those of you who know what this means, I am 70% effaced. So I'm getting there! My doctor offered to schedule an induction for Thursday or Monday. She said being 4 cm and 70% effaced with a 3rd baby, it shouldn't take much. I called and talked to Brian about it, and we decided to schedule the induction for Monday. We would rather have things happen naturally, but if they don't by Monday, that's only one day before my due date. I loved not knowing when the boys would be born and that excited feeling of it's time and let's go to the hospital! I may or may not get to experience that again, and either way is fine. God is in control! Keep us in your prayers! I'll try to keep everyone updated.


Mrs. H said...

WOW! I can't believe you haven't had that baby yet! Surely you'll have it before Monday! Will be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited and check your blog everyday for news. What a lucky baby to be born into a wonderful family like yours. That baby is so loved and so wanted.
Sandy Brittain

Rita said...

You may still get the thrill of going to the hospital at 3AM....