Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Spray Park and Some News!

I really didn't think I would have any news after my doctor's appointment today, but I do. I'm dilated 2 cm! This of course doesn't mean the baby's going to come any day now, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but at least something is happening!

After the doctor, we headed to playgroup at a spray park. Here are a few pictures of the boys playing in the water.

Filling up the buckets so they could dump them on their friends

Coleman says, "Watch out Matt!"

Spence enjoyed watering the grass


Rita said...


The boys look like they are having fun!!

Anonymous said...

oh the boys are so sweet.
VEry exciting news!!!
It won't be long now!!!

Jennifer said...

Yeah!!! I am so happy for you that you are progressing. Well, my guess was for today, so we will see if it happens!