Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You're All Ready For Some News, Right?

***Update for June 13, 2009***
Still nothing. Mexican food tonight.

***Update for June 12, 2009***

Still no news! However, the baby seems to have shifted to the left, taking my belly button with it! It's about an inch off center and looks pretty strange, therefore no pictures. I'm being stubborn and trying to save that 400th post to at least inform everyone that we are off to the hospital, but Baby Pik is proving to be just as stubborn. If you're on Facebook, I do updates on there more frequently.

I got nothin'. Last night I woke up about 12:30 having some back pain and contractions. Brian was still up and so I called him in and told him I thought this was it. He took a shower and I started getting dressed. I made sure everything was in my bag, and we started timing my contractions. They were about 3 minutes apart, but they didn't feel very strong. After a while, they just stopped! I kept waiting for more, but nothing happened. After that I was so wound up that I couldn't go to sleep. I ended up getting up and making a sandwich and reading a book until 4:30 am. I was finally able to go back to sleep. I've had very few contractions today, which has been a bummer. Coleman loves to play tricks on me, so I'm guessing this baby is going to have his personality! We'll see what the rest of the day holds! Also, this is my 399th post, so it might be that Baby Pik's announcement could be my 400th!


Jennifer said...

I'm hoping the 400th is an announcement of Allie arriving!

Anonymous said...

I've been checking all day. Charity keeps text messaging me to see if I have news. We love you!!!


Rita said...

I hate to tell you this....but the contractions may just have been from the kind of day you had on Tuesday.....but...only God will just wait....for the baby to be ready for his birth....we all are!!!

Paul and Candice said...

I'm chomping...I keep thinking it will be tomorrow...then the babies will be one week apart...that will be easy to remember!

Come on Contractions!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Look, I was predicting today...come on contractions...You have made that baby such a comfortable place to live it just has no desire to come out!!!! I can't wait to see the pics of the boys with the baby. Candice's of P.David and Judson are just melting my heart...Good Luck...God Bless!!!!

Jennifer said...

My mom says to try coleslaw. It always worked for her.