Thursday, June 25, 2009

One Week Old

I'm one week old!

Yesterday Allie turned one week old. Of course I had to dress her up and take some pictures. She is a week old and has never had a bow in her hair. Poor little girl! Coleman asked why she's a girl if she looks like a boy. She wears boy pajamas at night, but I do try to put her in pink or purple during the day. I'll get you some bows soon Allie!

Yesterday Allie and I went on our first shopping trip. We took back the "Little Brother" onesie and traded it for a girly outfit. It was a little sad to take back Cooper's outfit, but I just have to keep reminding myself that there never was a Cooper. I just assumed there was! Anyway, Allie and I looked at all the precious-beyond-words girl clothes and I almost started hyperventilating! All...too...cute!!! How I ever got out of that store spending less than $3 is a miracle.

My sweet little girl

Allie, these little boys think you're the best!

Spence enjoying his middle child status

And finally... A picture of Daddy with Allie!

The other night Coleman said, "I'm going to miss Allie when she's not a baby anymore." I can't believe a 4 year old thinks of stuff like that! Let me just say that Allie is a good baby. I don't even want to say how good for fear that I will jinx it. I just feel really blessed right now!


Anonymous said...

She's changed in just a week, but still the cutest ever. I love the pictures with big brothers. Mom

Paul and Candice said...

I'm totally impressed that you got out of the store with only spending $3, too! I have only boys, and I spent $50 at my first shopping outing with Judson! I had to get my Gymbucks, you know! Plus I got some stuff for winter for so cheap...Paul David's winter stuff is going to be the wrong size:) Just a reason to shop I'm sure!

I'm eagerly awaiting Tuesday! Rest up before I bring my CRAZY two year old to your house...that child is SOOOO loud now...where did he come from?

thePiks said...

Oh girl, he'll have to turn it up a notch to keep up with my two wild men! Allie just snoozes through it all. So I hope Judson can too!

Anonymous said...

One week old amazing!
Happy brothers and proud daddy!
only 3 dollars....
Nice post!

Mrs. H said...

My kids have always said that about Griffin "I don't want him to grow up!" And I don't want him to get rough like us! Meaning...they want his skin to stay soft forever! Makes me tear up! Miss Allie is adorable! Have fun shopping for her!

Jeani said...

Roz told her friend today that we have a new baby in our family and her name is Allie. She then told me that a garage sale down the street that has baby girl clothes. Too hot for me to go look though.
She went and brought me back a foot tall pink Barbie Doll Christmas tree. Just what I wanted. Sweet!!!

Jennifer said...

Don't worry Allie, I have bows for you and they are very girly! Can't wait to see y'all again and I can completely understand that the girl clothes are so hard to resist.