I just love posting conversations. Spence is starting to join into our conversations and add his own touch of humor. I should really carry a tape recorder around with me, because I'm sure the conversations are much funnier in person than me trying to remember and type later. Hopefully you get the gist, and think they're half as funny as their mommy does!
Coleman can now buckle himself into his car seat. Can you hear me saying, "Hallelujah!!!" He's going to be in the middle of the back seat when the baby arrives, so it's important that he can accomplish this task on his own. Most of the time Coleman wants to race to see who can get buckled up first. He usually wins because Spence insists on climbing up into the car by himself, then he gets distracted by something behind or beside his seat. If Coleman is lollygaggin' I can motivate him by saying, "Spence is going to beat you!" All this to set up today's conversation, sorry.
Coleman: (after buckling himself up) I'm as fast as a firetruck!
Spence: I fast... firetruck!
Mommy: You're both fast.
Coleman: No. I won. I got buckled first. I'm as fast as a firetruck!
Spence: (after a moment of thinking) I fast...ambulance!
Mommy: Oh, that's fast too!
Ha! This cracked me up. He's getting to be a good thinker. But Coleman was not to be outdone by his little brother...
Coleman: Well, the ambulance guys aren't as fast as the firetruck men.
Oh, the great debates of toddlers and preschoolers!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago