How can you possibly be 4 years old today? Wasn't it just yesterday that you were born? That was one of the most exciting days of my life! I was scared and nervous and anxious and happy and I'm sure many more emotions. I could never have imagined how much I would love you and what a joy you would be.
One of the things that stands out in my mind about your first year is how easy going you were. We had some feeding problems, so you were a skinny thing for awhile, but then we got those straightened out and you plumped right up!
After you turned one you started walking. One day you decided to take some steps, and within a few days you were off and running! Not long after you turned one, we found out you were going to be a big brother. You got your first boo boo while running down the sidewalk in front of our house. Daddy and I both love this picture of you showing off your scratch.
You were a little young to understand what was about to happen when Spence was born, but I'll never forget the night of November 6th. You lifted up my shirt, looked at my tummy, and said, "Brother, come out!" A few hours later Daddy and I were headed to the hospital and Spence was born the next morning! Did I ever say thank you for that? I was really ready for Spence to be here! It took you a while to warm up to Spence, but you were a great big brother from the start!
You enjoyed so many things during your second year, and you were just more and more fun.
If it's possible, you get sweeter and sweeter all the time! At 3, you were turning into my big boy. With Spence getting around now, you had a new best friend.
And now you are 4. You are such a big helper. You love to help me in the kitchen, you always put your dirty clothes in the hamper, and you help Spence in so many ways. He is very blessed to have a big brother like you. Now we're going to have another baby in our family soon. You say you want a sister, so we'll see if you stick with that! I know you'll be such a big help with the new baby.
Just so you'll know what you were like at 4:
You love to watch cartoons. Your favorites are Super Why, Clifford, Batman and Scooby Doo, and Superman. Every Sunday night you sit with Daddy and watch the Baby Dog Show (America's Funniest Videos). You love to go to parks. Your favorite meal is McDonald's chicken nuggets. Every time we go, you say, "I want chicken nuggets, fries, chocolate milk, a new toy, and a straw." You like to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed with Life cereal for breakfast. And your favorite spoon is the frog spoon (it's like a straw spoon that let's you drink the milk from you bowl). You gave up naps a long time ago! Your best friends are Spence, Eric, Wyatt, and Keller. Even though Keller and his family moved before you turned one, you guys act like you've never been apart when we get together. It's amazing! You even talk on the phone to one another every now and then! You love to act silly and be the center of attention some times. You did not like being on the stage for the Christmas program at your school! You can be very serious, and you are a deep thinker. You have really good problem solving skills too. Books can keep you occupied for long periods of time.
You make me laugh and smile every day. Some days you make me want to pull out my hair and go in the bedroom and lock the door! But those days make me appreciate all the fun times even more. Happy birthday to my sweet, precious little boy, who's not really a little boy anymore! I thank God that He is allowing me to be your mother. I love you more than you know!
Love, Mommy
Just so you'll know what you were like at 4:
You love to watch cartoons. Your favorites are Super Why, Clifford, Batman and Scooby Doo, and Superman. Every Sunday night you sit with Daddy and watch the Baby Dog Show (America's Funniest Videos). You love to go to parks. Your favorite meal is McDonald's chicken nuggets. Every time we go, you say, "I want chicken nuggets, fries, chocolate milk, a new toy, and a straw." You like to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch mixed with Life cereal for breakfast. And your favorite spoon is the frog spoon (it's like a straw spoon that let's you drink the milk from you bowl). You gave up naps a long time ago! Your best friends are Spence, Eric, Wyatt, and Keller. Even though Keller and his family moved before you turned one, you guys act like you've never been apart when we get together. It's amazing! You even talk on the phone to one another every now and then! You love to act silly and be the center of attention some times. You did not like being on the stage for the Christmas program at your school! You can be very serious, and you are a deep thinker. You have really good problem solving skills too. Books can keep you occupied for long periods of time.
You make me laugh and smile every day. Some days you make me want to pull out my hair and go in the bedroom and lock the door! But those days make me appreciate all the fun times even more. Happy birthday to my sweet, precious little boy, who's not really a little boy anymore! I thank God that He is allowing me to be your mother. I love you more than you know!
Love, Mommy
Happy Birthday, Coleman! I can't believe you're already 4 either. Time is going too fast.
Amanda, that was so sweet. I loved seeing all the pictures of him growing. See you on Friday!
Happy Birthday, Coleman!!
What fun it was to spend your birthday weekend with you!!!! You are so very special!!! Grandma loves all of you!!!!
What a good idea of putting pictures from each year of his life. I loved seeing them!
That was wonderful!
I loved the one of him showing his scrape on his knee and holding Spence on the couch.
You are a good writer and the pictures made the reflection so special.
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