Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Guest Blogger.....

This morning Amanda had an eye doctor appointment*, so an appeal was made for me to take the boys to Mother's Day Out. Whenever we go to church, or in this case MDO, I try to comb Coleman's habitually unruly hair. His concession this morning was I could comb it, but use no water. Everyone was happy.

After I comb it, I always to try to flatter him on how good it looks so he will be more likely to let us “tame the beast” again. He then loves to look in the mirror and repeat my compliment. It was raining this morning and as we were getting out of the truck, Coleman wanted his hood up so that, "the rain won't get my handsome hair all soggy."

I just thought that was funny.

*Sorry Brent and Dre, we'd like to use you guys, but a plane ride to DIA would defeat the purpose of getting cheep medical care from family.


Rita said...

That's one for the baby book!!

Sherrie said...

Oh! to tame the beast is so hard to do. I can see why he would want his hair to get soggy!
great memories kids give you. Such a blessing.
Hope you guys had a great Christmas and New Year.