Sunday, March 29, 2009

On Such a Beautiful Afternoon...

Brian just had to take the boys on a bike ride! They went yesterday also, and it was Spence's first bike ride in the trailer. What a fun thing to do with Daddy!

All buckled into the bike trailer

The boys riding off

Since I don't have a bike, I took Maestro on a walk. We had fun too.

We had an amazing day at church that I have to share about! I've been on the Children's Minister search committee for the last year and a half (I believe that's about how long) and today our church voted to call the young woman God led to us! I am so excited and know she is going to be wonderful. Just had to share that!


Rita said...

What good news!!!

I cant wait to come see all of you....and that green grass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul and Candice said...

It was a beautiful day for a bike ride! I miss riding mine, but I'm sure I'll be back to it when it cools off in the fall. Fun, Fun!