Our playgroup today met at a Mexican restaurant that has a playground. I was a little iffy on going because Spence has been going through a testing phase and requiring some strong discipline. (Cover your ears, Grandma.) I know he's not an angel, but he is usually pretty well behaved and does what he is told. Lately he's really been pushing the limits though. Our Sunday School lesson this past week was on raising children and discipline, so it came at the perfect time. Isn't that so like God? I whipped him into shape (no pun intended) before we left and he and Coleman both did great at the restaurant. It was so nice to eat my fajita enchiladas in peace! One of the other moms even commented on how calm my boys always are and how nice they are to each other. I told her she just catches us on good days! As I was getting Spence ready for his nap, I was telling him how pleased I was with how he acted at the restaurant. Here's our conversation. Check out his little sense of humor!
Mommy: Spence, I'm so proud of how good you were at the restaurant!
Spence: But I not good.
Mommy: You weren't?
Spence: No. I hit someone!
Mommy: Who did you hit?
Spence: A lemon!
Mommy: Do you know what the punishment is for hitting a lemon?
Spence: What?
Mommy: A pooter kiss!!!
Then Coleman came into the room so I was telling him the story and asking if he saw Spence hit this alleged lemon. He did not, but he told me that he hit a potato. This of course led to a game of "what did you hit and what is the punishment." We had so much fun! I have to remind myself to slow down and just have some silly time with the boys. Before I know it, they might not be telling me funny stories and letting me give them pooter kisses on their bellies. Oh sorrowful day!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
4 weeks ago
Testing is going on around here, too! Wit's end is where I am right now!!!!
One day, you're going to be so happy that you have these stories all written down...they're classic!
Hes' two....and still an angel....I see those eyes and know he is just an angel!!!!! "-) But I hear ya....
Fun silly times are so precious!!!!!
Your blog brings tears to my eyes.
These are the moments in life that makes it all worth while. I have noticed how much children love it when adults act silly.
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