Friday, March 13, 2009

The Things They Say

*Updated at bottom*

Coleman has learned a new word: stupid. I know it could be worse, but I consider stupid pretty bad. At the Chick-Fil-A play area today a little boy was bothering him so I told Coleman to go tell the little boy to be nice or he was going to have to come sit out. Here's what I heard Coleman yelling at the boy, "Hey, stupid! You need to be nice!" When I got Coleman down and sat him out, I told him we don't call people stupid. Coleman replied, "But I didn't know his name." I guess to a 4 year old that's a valid excuse! Coleman still got in trouble though.

Spence must have learned the finger play Thumbkin at school this week. He's been singing parts of it at home. You know, it's the one that goes Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin? Here I am! Here I am! So today he said, "Mommy, the punkin song goes: Here I am... (in a singing voice) Then when he couldn't remember the words, "Mommy, it's broken."

Spence also had some funny things to say when he found a photo album with pictures of Brian and me from 1997. As he looked at the pictures he would point and say, "What Mommy do her hair?" or "What Mommy wearing?" I guess 11 years ago is more than 5 lifetimes ago for Spence!


I made some brownies and added vanilla extract to give them a little different flavor. I told the boys they could each have a brownie after dinner. After Coleman's first bite, this was how the conversation went:

Coleman: Are these chocolate brownies?
Mommy: They're chocolate and vanilla.
Coleman started tapping his foot loudly against the chair.
Coleman: This tapping means I'm thinking.
Mommy: About what?
Coleman: About what flavor these brownies are. When the tapping stops it means I'm done thinking.
Mommy: Oh, OK.
About 25 taps later the tapping stopped.
Coleman: I'm done! Now I know the flavor! It's chocolate vanilla!
Spence: Banana!


Paul and Candice said...

Made me Smile:)

See you guys soon!

Rita said...

You have to admit, they make life fun and interesting and always, always a wonderful surprise!!

sheree said...

Stupid huh? We advanced to a four letter work this week, not to be confused with the "beaver dam." He actually tried to convince me that's what he was talking about. And he learned it at a Christian preschool. Here we go into real teachable moments. We have used soap once for "poo poo" (when it was used for everything.) It is VERY effective. We did not use it this time, but it was on the counter for effect during the entire conversation, and was referred to more than once. :)