Sunday, February 08, 2009

In Need of a Makeover

My blog is in desperate need of a makeover. I won't lie. I could use a makeover also. I went shopping for some short sleeve shirts yesterday and came home with short sleeve tents. Not too much I can do about that now I guess. So the blog will get the makeover! It's just one of those things that is not a top priority right now, but hopefully it will be soon! I want something pretty, but not too girly since most of my stories are about two little boys. Any suggestions??? Leave me a comment!


Anonymous said...

this is rachel (alexander)hood. we went to tech together-i was in education. anywho-i lurk on your blog occasionally-it is very funny! we live right down the road in missouri city-i think i saw you a few months back making a turn onto hwy 6. well all this rambling is sort of pointless except that i have some cute maternity stuff from last year from baby #5 and i had given all my stuff away so it only got worn for this pregnancy-if you want it you can have it. some of it is actually pretty cute. i am not sure what to do with myself now that i am not pregnant anymore! i should just get into shape-i suppose! let me know if you want any maternity stuff-281~7780289.we are at
congrats on baby #3! tell brian i say hi

Jennifer said...

The lady that did my blog design has really cute stuff. She will customize it to fit you. Here's her info and she is not really expensive like most of them. Her stuff is $25-$30 instead of $50-$60.