Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This Will Definitely Be a Christmas Letter Year

Things are going well at our house. I actually sent Coleman to school today! I figured we all needed to get out of the house. I let his teacher know that she could call me anytime if he needed to come home, but he made it all day! When we got home I asked him if he had to have help going to the bathroom at school. He said, "I didn't go at school today." WHAT? I got him to the potty right away!

I usually have strange trains of thought. Today for some reason I was thinking how this Christmas we'll have plenty to write in a Christmas letter. It's only February, so I have no idea why I am thinking ahead to Christmas. Anyway, with Spence's trip to the Emergency Room to fix his dislocated elbow (no one remembers how that happened, right?), Coleman's surgery, and the baby in June, I should be able to come up with a few good things to share!

This morning I was laughing about how dramatic Coleman has been since his surgery. I know he has the right to be a little dramatic because what he went through was somewhat traumatic! But now it's just getting to be over the top. I was telling Brian that everything Coleman says is spoken with the same amount of urgency and drama. For instance, "Mommy, I hurt! I need some medicine!" is said with the same urgency as "My cartoon went off!" or "My blanket isn't covering my toe!" It's really quite comical. If Spence were standing over Coleman ripping his stitches out or he only needed a drink of Gatorade, the level of intensity in stating what he needed would be the same. I love it!

It looks as though my blog redesign may be a few weeks delayed. I'm so ready for the change, but first I need to get some good pictures of the boys to use. Somehow I don't think Coleman laying on the couch with glazed over eyes is the new look I'm going for, so I wait. But it's coming soon!

***Five minutes after posting this***

I realized Spence was being pretty quiet. The first thing I saw when I walked into the kitchen was the open refrigerator. Why do I forget to use that refrigerator latch designed to keep him out of the fridge? Then I saw him holding an open can of Coke and a puddle on the floor. He looked up at me and said, "Oh dear." Not quite Christmas letter material, but still pretty funny!


Mrs. H said...

Oh Dear! That's cute!

Rita said...

Oh ya...anything they say or do is Christmas material to us!!!

Anonymous said...

I guess that is why grandma used to say
" Let them play the piano all they want!"
I asked her why?
She said at least you know where they are *_* and what they are doing.
Address those Christmas cards now.
Then all you will have to do is pop in the letters & pictures.
Cause I am planning on getting a christmas card this year.*_* from you. T-4

Anonymous said...

you've already had a years worth of "stuff". :)
So glad to hear Coleman is doing well.

Jennifer said...

I laughed outloud at the "Oh Dear!" Too funny!

Paul and Candice said...

You have had a lot going on lately! I'm sure things will calm down soon...well, until June that is!
Glad Coleman is better and back at school.