Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Zula Patrol Has a Hold On Him

I knew it was a possibility. Some people do develop addictions after surgery. I'm not talking about an addiction to pain medication. Coleman has developed an addiction to qubo. It's a channel we get that plays all cartoons, all day long. It has been great to leave on while Coleman was lying on the couch recuperating. But now he's just obsessed. He's trying to make deals with me:

Coleman: How about I watch one more cartoon.
Mommy: When the big hand gets to the 12 we're turning the TV off.
Coleman: But I want to watch The Zula Patrol!

Mommy: That's not coming on anyway. Jane and The Dragon is on next and you don't like that.

Coleman: But I was looking forward to seeing what Zula Patrol was on today.

And then there's just a bunch of whining... Withdrawals are rough. He told me if he didn't get to watch The Zula Patrol then we weren't going to go anywhere...until we went somewhere. He's too much!

Oh my. Earlier today I was thinking of a quote. I think it goes something like this:

That which doesn't kill us wears us out to the point of complete and utter exhaustion!

I know, I know. That's not it. It makes us stronger. Well check out my biceps! We were cruising along on the road to recovery when we hit a little bump. Seems the pain medicine Coleman has been taking finally, uh, stopped him up. We were getting ready to leave for Bible study this morning, but he was in pain on the potty. Brian was sweet enough to run to the drug store and get some stool softeners. (I wonder how many people will find my blog today by "googling" stool softeners? Maybe I should be wondering how many therapy sessions Coleman will endure because of the things I write on here.) After taking a pill, and several trips back and forth from the potty to the couch, sweet relief finally came at about 11:45.

Exhaustion has finally caught up with me. It hit Brian the moment we got home from the hospital Friday morning. It crept up on me yesterday afternoon. Today I've felt useless. I prayed that Spence would take a 2 hour nap and that I would get to rest, and God answered my prayer! It was great. I fully intend to get to bed early tonight. I was thinking how hard this would all be if the baby were here now. I'm sure I'm a little more tired since I'm pregnant, but at least there's not a newborn to take care of in the midst of all this! Just another blessing to count. Thank you Lord.

Oh, another thing I find funny these days. One of the shows that comes on qubo is Lambchop's Play Along. I thought this was from the '80s, but I just did some research and it aired from '92 to '97. The hair was misleading. The first day it came on I thought Coleman would hate it. Turns out he loves it! There's a segment with knock knock jokes, and he asks when it's coming on. Then Spence walks around the house saying, "Knock knock. Who's there?'' There's a character named Charlie Horse, and Coleman calls him Harlie Chorse. "Where's that Harlie Chorse?" he'll say. It just amazes me the things they find entertaining. I find it rather painful to watch. Well, maybe we'll get this habit kicked soon!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear you are a fan of qubo! I handle PR for qubo but am also a mom with 2 kids (my daughter is named "Amanda" :-) and I am very careful about what I let them watch on TV- qubo is definitely on the approved list. If you can send me me your email address, I'd love to add you to my media list where I send out press releases about qubo news and other activities. You can email me at: if you are so inclined. If not, that's fine too. Just glad to hear you're a fan.
Karen Baratz

Anonymous said...

Oh, memories. Charity used to watch Lambchop all the time. She even had a stuffed lambchop. I always thought it was a cute show and not something to worry about her watching. But then, she also loved Barney because she wanted to sing on the show with the other kids.
I'm glad to hear Coleman is so much better. Can't wait to see ya'll again.
Lots of love,

Rita said...

Isn't it strange how long missed sleep really takes to catch up on??? Take all the naps you can!!

And there's always prune juice or just plain good ole grape works!! And tastes better..

Gee. all I had to worry about was the Mickey Mouse show and Big Bird...

Jennifer said...

That show is quite annoying and I had no idea it came on anymore. That is too funny that someone showed up on your blog that works at qubo!