Wednesday, December 12, 2007

God With Us

Two sick boys. Too wiped out to think. Mom is here to help out since Brian had to go out of town. Tonight when she was putting Coleman to bed, she made the comment that he was going to have to get a bigger bed for all his stuffed animals. He said, "Maybe my bed will grow." That's good thinking! And it would be quite cheaper than buying a new bed.

Today's name of Jesus is:


"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel - which means, "God with us." Matthew 1:23

I don't really think of meanings of names very often. I know that my name means "worthy of love." When we were trying to decide on names for the boys we looked at all the meanings too. Coleman means "charcoal burner" and Spencer means "dispenser, keeper." We must have just really liked the names, because the meanings are less than great. The name Immanuel means "God with us." I don't think it gets any better than that. When Jesus was born, God truly came down as a man to live among men. How amazing. What could be better this Christmas season than knowing that God is with us?


Rita said...

His bed should grow!! How clever..God be with the boys...hope you get a good rest and tomorrow is better.

Anonymous said...

charcoal burner has huge potential!
It could mean something like,
he keeps the fires burning or that he keeps it warm?
dispenser, keeper has huge potential too!
It could mean something like,
he gets what he gives out?
Which will probably be loads and pockets of love.

God With Us. How comforting is that?!

Thanks for the names of God and the thoughts Amanda!

Anonymous said...

Coleman .....Charcoal burner...
The Gold charcoal burner... that we use at our churches is very special!! The insence is put in the charcoal burner to bless the altar...etc. it symbolizes sending prayers up to heaven to GOD and blessings.
That little Coleman of yours ... has a special purpose.
Keep the insence burning and the prayers ascending to heaven.
Frankensence, insence and mryh.
The gifts from the kings for the King of Kings.
Thanks for your wonderful BLOG !!
Get Well Soon!